Don't Sleep on TV
Insights: Insights Report

Don't Sleep on TV

How Television Drives Outcomes for the Mattress and Bedding Categories

In recent years, the mattress and bedding categories have experienced a transformation

as several new brands—many of which are digital-native, direct-disruptors that sell their products directly to consumers—have entered the marketplace.

With this heightened competition has come greater advertising spend, particularly within television, as brands seek out the scale and engagement that the medium provides in order to establish brand recognition and differentiate themselves from their competitors in an effort to impact sales.

In this report, Don’t Sleep on TV, we examine the TV spend of 16 mattress/bedding-related brands in relation to available brand metrics, such as website traffic, online interactions and revenue to determine what, if any, correlations exist. 

Here are some highlights:

  • As mattress brands battle for competitive market share, TV spend increased 74% in 2017 versus 2016.
  • All measured brands saw a definitive correlation between their TV spend and website traffic.
  • Website traffic skyrocketed for those brands that launched new TV campaigns, helping increase monthly website traffic by hundreds of thousands of potential new customers.  
  • Web traffic increased for those who increased their TV investment or, conversely, traffic decreased for those whose TV spending declined.
  • TV ignites brand interest and pushes consumers to learn more through higher search queries and additional online viewing of the TV ads.
  • Most importantly, brands often see double-digit revenue growth when they increase their TV investment.


The Mattress Category Spent Almost $200M on TV in 2017
Monthly Website Unique Visitors (000) Comparison

Don't Sleep on TV

Don't Sleep on TV

How Television Drives Outcomes for the Mattress and Bedding Categories

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